The Home of Vibrational Healing - M.K. Projects - MK Projects is the home of Vibrational Healing and information on vibrational healing, flower essences, gem essences and energy medicine, Mary Kurus is a vibrational consultant dedicated to the well being of everyone. Mary does powerful negative energy clearings as well as energy healings for people around the world and through her dedication and constant intuitive connection she reports accurately on your state of vibrational health.

  • Vibrational Assessment - M.K. Projects - Mary Kurus is a vibrational consultant who writes how a vibrational assessment can identify parasites, viruses,works, infectious bacteria, candida overgrowth,mould chemical and metal toxins. An assessment can provide a recommendation for detoxification.
  • Energy Healings - M.K. Projects - Mary Kurus is a vibrational consultant, and in this article, energy healing, explains what energy healing is, how auras, chakras,meridian and other energy systems affect our health.
  • Choming Essences - M.K. Projects - Choming Essences. Mary Kurus has developed a listing of flower, tree and gem essences, that have been made with the magical healing energies of Mother Earth and the Universe. These essences help provide the energy needed to rebalance that which has become unbalanced at a core level.
  • Free Articles - M.K. Projects - Mary Kurus has written or curated many informative and interesting articles on the topics of energy medicine, energy healing, physical, psychic,spiritual and energetic health.
  • Psychic Attacks - Symptoms and Protecting Yourself - M.K. Projects - This article is about psychic attacks, their harmful impact, the symptoms and methods to alleviate and eliminate.

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  • arci778 - Not a good eye cream

    This eye cream does not do much for your eyes. It does not moisturize enough and it also does nothing for wrinkles. For what the product does, the price is way too high even for Amazon!

  • Mad Hal - not sure on it

    if i'm paying nearly ten thousand dollars for a cable slightly taller than me, i don't want "low distortion" audio. no, i want the composer and his band in my house, playing the soundtrack to whatever media i'm enjoying right there with me, and i don't want him to complain when i make him play "Love Rollercoaster" by The Ohio Players ten times in a row.

  • Arvie - Don't buy this - terrible for actual test prep

    I would like to emphasize that this book does NOT prepare one for the new exam. Way too much untested material, and worse, practice problems are nothing like problems on the real test. Waste of money.

  • Liron - Not Nearly A Million

    This book does not even come close to delivering on its promise of one million random digits. My expectations were high after reading the first sentence, which contained ten unique digits. However, the author seems to have exhasted his creativity in this initial burst, because the other 99.999% of the book is filler in which those same ten digits are shamelessly reused!