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Country:, North America, US

City: -122.1206 Washington, United States

  • Kelly - Brain Health is so important.

    I've been using this to stave off the alzheimer's that runs deep in my family. It is scary to know that it will eventually take hold and basically leave nothing of me left. SO until their is a cure or break through in modern medicine that makes a significant difference-I will continue to take supplements and do brain exercises to keep myself intact for as long as possible. This supplement does make me feel more focused and my thoughts more clear so I know it is making a difference. I will be buying some for my mother as well even through she is already showing signs, maybe this will slow it down some and keep her with us a little longer.


    I have been an office fan since the beginning. NO MORE! Microsoft has just made a draconian change to its office licensing scheme.

  • Dianne - It is great when you travel

    Buy this book every couple years. It is great when you travel. Tells what is at the next exit. If your looking for a hotel to rest overnight, gas or food, it's great.