Conway Regional Medical Center - Conway Regional Health System is accountable to the community to provide high-quality, compassionate health care services.

Country:, North America, US

City: -93.6091 Iowa, United States

  • Heidi - It works

    It's a little perfume-y for those of you with sensitivities to scents. I have allergies to certain scents but this doesn't bother me. I liken it to a fabreeze, very strong but after a day or so you can't smell it anymore. I've hosed down and blotted this on quite a bit of upholstery and it doesn't leave marks or discoloration and the kitties don't mark or re-mark (which is the main point right?!?). I've used a similar product (odor-mute) which is also great but as it's a powder it's a little more messy. This liquid is nice, just pour and go.

  • Asma - Can't say LOVE it or HATE it

    I am on my second jar , was hoping for better results as I saw on the pics posted about this wonder plasma , well !! it does firm a little , but the price does not make it worth while.

  • Janie Mae Martin - Amazing Grace Oil

    I have several auto-immune diseases that have been attacking my body for more than 15 years. Over the years I have gotten progressively worse. I experience severe joint pain, fatigue, muscle pain, depression and other symptoms that have all but stolen my joy, youth, spirit, and will to endure another day. I've grown tired of taking 15- 20 medications that do nothing but financially deplete me, and physically have me incapacitated or in-coherent. I tried Black Seed Oil because I was told by a stranger who came up to me and told me about the oil. The oil does exactly what it says. My pain isn't completely gone, but it is significantly better and not so intense since I started taking the oil. Also, I use the oil on my hair because it was almost bald because of all the biological and immune suppressant drugs that I take. My hair has gotten thicker and it sheds less. I use the oil on my skin, it was so damaged with blemishes and sores, which I tried to hid under makeup. I have seen a dramatic difference in my skin as well, it has improved in its elasticity and it is more supple. I've been taking the oil for approximately 3 weeks. I bought the capsules and for some reason they don't do nothing for me. My body doesn't respond to the capsules. I found out something important about the oil that was most amazing, I forgot to take it one day, and all of my symptoms immediately re-appeared. I was in so much pain, agony, and discomfort I tried taking everything, but found no relief. I had gotten off of most of the prescribed medication and my doctor didn't know it. I have high blood pressure too, and the oil lowered my high blood pressure. Finally, I took a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil and within minutes the pain sub- sided. Now as a daily regiment I take 1 teaspoon in the morning and 1 teaspoon before bedtime. I pray my experience helps someone. I will continue to purchase the oil for as long as I can. All I can say is all praises to the Lord, and the person he sent to tell me about the oil. I was at my wits end battling all these diseases. Lord thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!!!

  • Loretta - Neocell Super Caollagen is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is amazing! I can't tell you how much pleased I am with this product. It does everything it says it does. I actually saw this on the Dr. Oz show and decided to try it! Its for women from ages 30 and up. It firms, it tones, it strengthens your nails, your bones! OMG!! love it! love it! love it! I am actually on my second bottle. Just be sure to follow the instructions on the bottle and you are headed for younger, more youthful looking skin, hair, bones, nails and all!!! :-) :-)

  • Colby E. Sanborn - Superior product .......

    Read negative reviews about needing fasteners you needed to order separate......I fail to see anything extra being needed. Installed in a quick 5 minutes a side with NO issues whatsoever with included screws. Very impressed by quality and again everything included to do it quick and painlessly!