Community Science, Connecting Knowledge with Social Change - Community Science provides an integrated approach to building the capacity of organizations and institutions, helping to develop healthy, just and equitable communities. Our greatest strength is the study of community and system change. Our objective is to develop the knowledge necessary to address social problems in a way that benefits all communities.Our services include research and evaluation services, capacity-building products and services, and initiative management and support.

Country:, North America, US

City: -77.1621 Virginia, United States

  • Kindle Customer - no more clogged drain

    After 1 month I was no longer lossing hair and clogging the shower drain. Even my husband noticed a differnece. I have not noticed my hair feeling thicker but hopes that comes soon :)

  • bryce - Way better than expected for my short haired dogs!

    I'll be honest.. I was not expecting this to really work, and it kinda looks like some sort of medevil torture device! I was up late one night after cleaning a ton that day, and I saw a clump of animal fur blow by in the kitchen.... seriously? how is there that much hair after vacuuming and sweeping and moping??? Granted there are 2 dogs and 2 cats in this house, but that is just ridiculous. Annoyed I went to play on facebook and there was an add for this brush. I wanted amazed at all the fur they were getting off of the animals.. Surely this was the answer to my prayers! I ordered it at 2 am in the morning!