Air & Water Filtration Experts - Aqua Solutions | Aqua Technologies - Vancouver | Toronto Canada - specializes in air purification & water filtration. Brands we carry include 3M Aqua-Pure, HealthWay, Micromax, Everpure, Sprite, & IQAir.

Country:, North America, CA

City: -123.1158 British Columbia, Canada

  • Colleen Vecellio - The best skin serum I've ever used.

    Saw a significant difference in the quality of my skin after 1 week! I have a lot of acne scars that I have been trying forever to get rid of, but after using this everyday, morning and night for one week, I can tell that my skin is softer and clearing up. I have tried other serum's, such as Clinique's dark spot corrector and Organic correctors, but it did nothing in comparison to this. My boyfriend also noticed and felt the difference in my skin! It is DEFINITELY worth the money and definitely worth trying on your skin! I love it.

  • Veda Crumbry - Simple and Easy

    Instructions were super easy and I programmed it myself in less than 5 minutes!! When I dropped my keys it broke super easy! Like broken it doesn't work anymore!

  • IOwens - Still new

    But I love it so far. It is easy to import recipes and create your own. I read other reviews and was concerned about the ingredient issue, but have not experience that so far.