Aceon - ISO Certification in Chennai | ISO Certificaton Body in Chennai - Aceon ISO Consultants works closely with each of our clients to deliver those ISO Certification schemes and create a cutting edge advantage in domains. We provide certifications such as ISO 9001, 14001, 18001, 22001, 27001 in Chennai.

  • Aceon - Quality and Process - Quality and Process is very essential in all walks of life and especially in business. To satisfy a client, we need to set an expectation to him. We can help our clients to reach that.
  • Aceon - ISO Office in Chennai | ISO Standard Office in Chennai - Aceon is an ISO Standards office in chennai. We provide certifications in various industries.
  • Aceon - ISO Certification Services in Chennai - Aceon ISO Consultants works closely to the certifications such as ISO 9001, 14001, 18001, 22001, 27001 in Chennai.
  • Aceon - ISO Certification in Chennai | ISO 9001 Consultants | ISO Office in Chennai - ACEON, commenced with a vision to create a new band to transform the way an organization would do business, set up an objective..

    Country:, Asia, AE

    City: 54 , United Arab Emirates

  • M. Mendes - Straight legit epiphany!

    As we all know, with age comes change....changes in our bodies that can be good or bad for our health. Most people will end up on some sort of prescription drug at some point in their life because they are led to believe they need it in order to be "healthy" or to avoid worse health problems. For years I've tried every "diet" in search of losing weight and getting healthy. Failure after failure led to weight gain, frustration, anxiety, and depression....which led to anti-depressant medication. I knew there was something wrong but couldn't figure it out.....I had done what I was led to believe to be the right thing to do (eat right, exercise, take my anti-depressants) yet something was just "off" and I wasn't getting any better, I was actually getting worse. I turned to my doctor for help in trying to identify what was wrong with me and when nothing came up, my defeat only continued. Through trial and error I began to wonder if maybe, just maybe, there was something wrong with my hormones and if such a thing as "sugar addiction" existed. Did sugar and synthetic chemicals, whether ingested or in my daily environment, mess my body up to the point that it didn't know how to function like nature intended...was that the reason I couldn't lose weight? Was that the reason I became so bad off that I ended up on anti-depressants? You should've seen my doctor's expression when I mentioned that. I knew I wasn't crazy and I knew there was something wrong and until I found this book I felt completely alone in my fight, which only intensified my depression leading to more anxiety and weight see the pattern forming? Well, now I am convinced that the answer is YES! The things Shane talks about just clicked for me and validated that what I was experiencing wasn't in my head and actually did exist! I found that while I was reading this book I kept thinking "OMG! That's what I've been trying to put into words to my doctor! This Shane guy gets it!" For me, this book was a straight, legit epiphany! Since I've put into practice the things he suggests, I've noticed immediate differences. I'm calmer, more focused, have less cravings, and for the first time in a long time I feel like I have control over my body and it's not in control of me. It's a process and I still have work ahead of me, but I'm so excited and have genuine hope that this will be the end of my trial and error journey. It's only been about a week since I've began supplementation and if things are changing for me that quick then you better believe I'm a huge fan and supporter of this book! I am so excited and am sharing this info with all my loved ones. It's a miracle and Shane is the man! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Shane has selflessly taken the time to put all of his knowledge out there for us to read and help educate ourselves. He's convinced me that he's genuine and honestly just wants to help! We do not have to be a victim! I was afraid to try natural supplements because my head had been filled with "not safe unless FDA approved"....well now I'm experiencing first hand that they are full of it! It should be "not safe IF FDA approved"! I see the conspiracy and it's sad! Outside of emergency medicine, you do not need prescription drugs. If it doesn't come from nature, it's foreign to your body and it will throw everything out of whack. If you want to get control of your health then this is a must read!!!

  • David Chojnacki - Great for adults and kids!

    I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. This is a great calendar to count down every day of the year. It came in a pretty big box which I was very surprised about. It makes sense though because the bubble wrap is the actual product, not the support for a product like usual. Every month is colored either blue or red, and there are little pictures on holidays as well. I would recommend this to anyone as it's safe for all ages. It was shipped without and damage done to the bubble wrap.

  • Rangers68 - It works well, but beware of a very questionable (potentially cancer causing) ingredient - IP CLEAN HX1!

    It's a shame because this product works and I want to buy more because it works well, however, an ingredient in it is VERY questionable.

  • Wendy - Peachtree Software Order from Kasey Great.

    The software arrived (not in the time that I had paid extra shipping for, darn snow!), as advertised. I don't need the ultimate, newest software and Kasey provided the prior version at a great price - thanks.

  • Katie - Not as good as blue bottle

    Been taking this 3 gives me energy but its not as good as the blue bottle. The blue bottle works much better.

  • David Fussell - Startup aggrevation

    CD loaded okay, but program stopped on the registration page. There was no next button. I had to go to the NOLO website and hunt for a way to proceed. I finally found a patch and was able to move on. I haven't started on the will, but I completed the power of attorney and health directives with relative ease. Hopefully the will software will be similar. Reason for two stars is the startup hassle.

  • Casagodinez - Light airy oil

    I have tried a few different Frankincense essential oils. What I like best about the New York Biology oil is how light it is. It quickly absorbs into the skin when applied, but doesn't leave you with a slick, greasy sheen. We use a lot of Frankincense in my home. It's one of those oils that's good for a laundry list of ailments. I've already used NYB oil on a few skin ailments with positive results, and it dissipates well in the diffuser. I mix it with lavender and put it in the kid's room to help them get a good night's sleep on school days. The only reason that I did not give it 5 stars is that it is not for ingestion, and we've found that Frankincense stops seizures when taken orally. I received this item free in exchange for an honest review.