Portal polskiej reklamy wizualnej - Bringwebsite - is 46 years old, Alexa global rank: #112173, Location: Poland, Last updated: Thursday, 27 October 2016.

  • Portal polskiej reklamy wizualnej - Bringwebsite - is 46 years old, Alexa global rank: #112173, Location: Poland, Last updated: Thursday, 03 November 2016.

    Country:, Europe, FR

    City: 2.3387 , France

  • destriep123 - This company is a rip off!

    The first system they sent was never recieved so they shipped me another one. I used it for 3 weeks and didnt like it. It wasnt as easy as they make it look. I call to return it and I find out that they flagged my system as not returnable! Now they are saying I have two systems and the lady refused to tell me whether or not I will be charged TWICE or not. I finally got a return # so I am going to return it and let my bank deal with it if they keep charging me.

  • J. C. Sublett - Seems like that little fact could have been mentioned somewhere by ...

    Product does what I expected after I was able to get it installed. An instruction card called "Quick Start Card" comes with a DVD labeled "Bootable DVD for PC only". Following instructions, I inserted DVD and nothing happens. Using Windows explorer I list out the contents of the DVD. I find nothing obvious that starts the installation wizard. I search the Acronis web sight for help. I find no mention of my problem. Using Google I check the neighborhood (world) to see if anyone has a suggestion. Yes, a suggestion is that I check that AUTOPLAY is enabled. Windows 10 comes, as default, with it disabled. Seems like that little fact could have been mentioned somewhere by Acronis.