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Country:, North America, US

City: -122.0574 California, United States

  • Patty - This Will Not Turn Back the Hands of Time

    I had originally written a very positive review a year ago (it's now December 24, 2013) and said I would report back later. Well, I am now 50 years old and am still looking for that Fountain of Youth, because it's not this product.

  • Jobrazen - Gets You Down to the Real Story

    This is a very interesting book that is super hard to put down. I read it in one evening then was kind of sad when it ended. I love history and documentaries. This fits right into that genre. History is never 100% of what it is portrayed to be and often it is changed through the generations for the benefit of that current generation. For example and this is not in the book; Do you really think the American Civil War was fought because the North felt that no person should own another person? Romantically this is what is implied with every American history lesson but the full truth is that the North could not compete in an economy where the South had free labor. Yes, Abraham Lincoln felt a huge moral conflict on the issue of slavery only AFTER the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863. Prior to that the North put a tariff on the Southern goods from slave states, pissed the Southern States off, the South fired on FT Sumter, and the war began. This book is not nearly as confrontational. Read it, you will like it.

  • C. Leeds - Fraudulent 5 star reviews

    I stopped counting after 30 of the newest five star reviews from reviewers that were not verified purchasers. Most only had one review. Nice way to pad the review for 5 star and raise the average.

  • Rosa Lilian - The worst Ouija board I have ever tried

    I played Ouija when I was in high school with my friends long time ago and had an incredible experience. I wanted to try it again, but I’m also scare because I know what it is behind this. However, the surface of this particular board will not make it possible even for experience users. I laughed so much with a review here where the buyer said that no hell will move this board lol! The worst Ouija board I have ever tried. Tossed this one to the garbage right away. Wasted my money and this the first time I give one star to a product review here on Amazon.

  • Daniel H. - Not bad

    Action is great but there isn't much of it, the story is alright but slow, Hercules' nephew the story teller is kind of a dork and a childish character and Hercules is greedy and helps no one for free. The supporting characters aren't that great, acting is just ok, and there isn't enough mythology in the movie. A brief walk through of the trials of Hercules, a bunch of demons, and some centaurs. Nothing will ever compare to the TV series with Kevin Sorbo. Honestly the Disney animated film is better than this.