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  • Amazon Customer - Advocare worked for us

    I lost my goal weight of 15# plus a few more in about 2 months and have held it that way !! My husband's goal weight loss was 30# and he obtained it, plus 10# more and has held it also. We still continue to lose a pound every couple of weeks. We started the 24-day challenge first week of February 2014 and still feel great. We still use a diet shake (Costco brand though-it's ready to drink) once a day and my husband still uses the Spark each morning before his treadmill workout. I am 67 and my husband is 75. We are proud of our hard work and feel so much better. We may have to buy new smaller sized clothes... I'm not saying one couldn't obtain good results from other products, but, Advocare worked for us...with our daily exercise of mostly walking for 30-45 minutes.

  • Luke - As compared to Apple EarPods

    UPDATE: (read full review below first). I changed my rating (from 4 to 5) because even though I personally didn't like the earphones, the customer service experience with the company (Suvalleytek) was exceptional. Feel confident with this purchase, if you don't LOVE it, the company will absolutely make it right.

  • Brad Potts - Horrible expereince trying to import files. Tech support overseas worst than unless.

    I brought this to download files from my credit union, into Quicken. I spent 3 hours tonight on "Quicken Chat" with some outsources entity and complied 9 pages of "Chat". I had to repeat thing multiple times. With all due respect to the many capable individuals overseas, I felt language comprehension issues interfered with comprehension and made this unnecessarily cumbersome and long. Now I cannot talk to anyone except on Mon-Fri on limited hours. Very frustrating. Are there standards for competency in this file or are we all just at their mercy?

  • Coco - VacuVin

    Works very well but directions are not useful. I went to utube to find a video demo which was helpful. Tips include wet the rubber stopper first before inserting in bottle. Then set the pump on top of the stopper and start pumping. It can take 10-15 pumps to get to the clicking sound. The more wine left in the bottle the less pumps.

  • Love2Cruise - Nice meal for mice!

    I purchased 3 boxes of these for my 40' travel trailer; after reading the great reviews on here and from other RV websites. I placed exactly as recommended by manufacturer and when I returned 4 weeks later I had 8 chewed thru opened packets with the insides everywhere. They were useless and the smell is so bad humans are deterred but obviously not mice. I would not recommend!!

  • Sires - Works OK This Year on WIndows 8

    Downloaded yesterday and finished my taxes last night. I have a slightly complex tax situtation-- 2 K1 s (partnership and limited liability company) that are prepared by an accountant and two states, one resident, one nonresident. I usually just ignore the state software because Ohio has a reasonably good on line site that allows you to file directly and WV tax forms aren't too bad for nonresident taxpayers so I don't see any reason to make in program purchases.