My Affil, la plateforme d'affiliation à  la performance - My Affil mesure et met en œuvre vos campagnes publicitaires avec une rémunération à la performance. Nous avons les solutions digitales pour vos campagnes de marketing direct.

  • My affil, l'Agence - My affil est une marque de Weedo IT, la régie digitale spécialiste de la performance
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  • Steven Ruff - and good common sense Hybels demonstrates that simply because our lives ...

    Our lives are complicated and cluttered. Every day is a struggle to maintain healthy relationships, have meaningful interactions with our children, find time to exercise, carve out time for social activities, and connect with God in a real and life-changing way. As a result of this clutter and complication, we are unable to live out our intended purposes and find lasting satisfaction. How can we find the breathing room and margin that we desperately need? The answer to that question is that we need to make our lives simpler. In his new book, “Simplify; Then Practices to Unclutter Your Soul”, Willow Creek Community Church pastor Bill Hybels tackles the problem of cluttered and complicated lives. He identifies ten core issues that produce complication and rob us of peace and satisfaction.

  • Jeanne I McCallie - Tree Love!

    It is neat, all inclusive, and compact... and that is in addition to being versatile and comfortable! I love the colors, and the material is durable. Will probably be ordering more this holiday season!