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    Country:, North America, US

    City: -77.4728 Virginia, United States

  • StealthyRaptor1 - Great Series Addition w/ minor launch flaws

    Full disclosure - I'm not really a gamer. However, have played every single one since its time of release, starting with the original DOS 1991 edition. It's my thing. Love to be able to play just a few turns if I want and stretch it our, or binge on a weekend when family has gone to bed.

  • Howard A. Green Jr. - a pretty poor volleyball

    Actually, a pretty poor volleyball. Wanted it as at least a warmup ball, because our team name is the castaways. Oh well, at least it didn't cost much.

  • Jeanette M. - This product arrived quickly and is easy to use and read

    This product arrived quickly and is easy to use and read. It quickly identified a problem in one of my outlets which was a fast and easy fix for a do it yourselfer. It then confirmed that all the other outlets in the home were wired correctly. The additional GFCI tester is a nice feature as well. I would recommend this product.

  • Just my two cents... - So far, so good.

    I've been using Viviscal Pro for almost 2 months. I've just been diagnosed with female pattern baldness. Super traumatic as I have always had really thick abundant hair. However, after a month on these I had a ton of new growth around my hairline -- which can only be attributed to Viviscal Pro. I didn't expect to see that kind of growth so soon. And, its not all in my head. My hair stylist actually mentioned the new growth before I saw it. It might not work for everyone, but it did work for me. In the last few weeks I've also started on medication to suppress testosterone and Rogaine. I'm hoping a combo of all of these will make a real difference. I really just want to hold onto the hair. So far, so good.