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  • dan stevens - always great stuff

    This used to be one of the "secret ingredients" in my arroz con pollo - I can share that now since I have other secrets hehehe. Not always easy to find in the grocery store, glad they sell it here

  • MichaelS - It works better than I expected

    It works better than I expected. I saw a lot of negative reviews on this in regard to how jagged it was on the skin and the difficulty of of changing the razor blades. I found the blades easy to install. I used to use the original Man Groomer trimmer and while it worked well for years as the trimmer head wore down it began to tug and pull hair and never trimmed the hair as close as the Bro Shaver. Keep in mind that it is 3 razor blades side by side with a guard over the blades, similar to a safety razor, so you do need to move more slowly or at least with more care than a trimmer, but overall I like this more than when the Man Groomer was brand new.

  • Aubthewriter - Great inspiration

    I heard from a friend that I should buy this book to help me with my screenplays and novels I'm working on. I'm able to now structure my query letter the way the professionals want to see it written, and also able to have a sat selection of publishers and agents. It has gotten me motivated to pursue my career in writing. I will definitely be buying the next years book! I also like this book because it has good ideas for journalism, writing freelance, and also how to self publish your own book. I also like the photojournalism section because I also do photography. One stop shop in this book!! Recommended it to several other writers I know. Good buy and you get a lot for the price! Won't be disappointed!!

  • Kathleen Joseph - Love satire

    If you like satire lightly covering current events you will get a good laugh from this one. I loved The Men Who Stared at Goats too!

  • nelle684 - Got rid of our mold

    We have a 50+ year old house with a lot of surrounding trees. The perfect environment for mold growth on the roof....2 applications of this stuff knocked it out....great!!!