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  • Stephen - One of the best <$500 entry roadbikes

    For the price, the components on this bike are great. Assembly was tricky, but nothing I that even a normal person could do with some internet help. Brakes and derailleurs needed some adjustment but that should be expected. My main problem with the bike is the lack of kickstand. Having to lean the bike against a wall/fence has led to it falling down a few times already leading to a broken endcap.

  • Amazon Customer - A great end to a series

    I enjoyed the book, the series hell the whole darn thing. It finished off alot of open endings and don't leave you wondering what could of happened. It did this in a way to not drag it out but to build suspense and you could tell there was true thought and storyline behind it rather than just filling a page. I would have liked more strategy as there was in others but a great read.

  • Jules - Product WORTHLESS!!!! Seller communication Excellent!

    It turned on, it connected, then the actual coverage was HORRIBLE! It wouldn't even assist with opening regular email. Forget trying to connect to facebook or download anything small. It was WORTHLESS!

  • chai - doesnt work for me.

    I have very very sensitive skin. this worked for may be 2 days but after them my skin became dry, and i starting getting white heads. Though i like Aveeno body lotion this product did not reach my expectations.