CanadaRxConnection | International Prescription Referral Service - customers receive high quality brand name and generic drugs at considerable savings by Canada Rx referal to licenced Canadian and international pharmacies and government approved dispensing facilities

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  • Capt Rick - Amazing

    I have been waiting for these to go on sale, and finally bought one. Now I can see into the future from my TV set. Don't buy RIM stock. I can also change traffic signals with my mind.

  • seattle - Great Book

    As a lactose-intolerant person with gastro-intestinal track issues, I was struggling to increase the probiotics in my diet when I discovered the GAPS book. Her description of how probiotics effect our body was a major step forward for me.


    I used to give this to my son until I figured out that not only does this have so many things I cant even pronounce it has CARRAGEENAN which is a carcinogen and corn maltodextrin which is similar to corn syrup. Since I am not about to take everything I dont understand from item ingredients these are the 2 I look for and try to go for the least additives possible.