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  • Book-Movie-Music Lover - Always Outdated

    Having been a full-time freelance business magazine writer for over 30 years, and making a good living at it, I have a vast contact list of magazine editors with whom I stay in touch on a regular basis.

  • Billie L. Bogart - Works

    I periodically have burning and frequency problems. Often I think it is a precursor/early warning to an infection. I take these, drink lots of water for a couple of days and it usually passes. If it takes more than 2 days to clear up, I go to the doc and get antibiotics.

  • Cee P - I am sick of the music but that can only mean that my kids love the game and play it constantly

    As the adult, I am sick of the music but that can only mean that my kids love the game and play it constantly. Lots of current music, all the big stars and some good ones from the parents generation with some fun (and funny) dances.