Aegean Health - Healthcare & Medical Network - Aegean Health - Healthcare & Medical Network. ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΙΑΤΡΟΥ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΕΧΝΙΚΟΥ ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑΣ

  •ισολογισμοί.html AEGEAN HEALTH | Οι Ισολογισμοί της Εταιρείας - AEGEAN HEALTH - Healthcare & Medical Network. ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΙΑΤΡΟΥ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΕΧΝΙΚΟΥ ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑΣ.

    Country:, Europe, DE

    City: 9.491 , Germany

  • DJA29 - Good information, Interesting Read

    This is a solid Italy guide that is definitely useful to read before your trip. It misses 5 stars because it does not go into the history of what you're seeing quite enough for my liking. Small thing though since this is a travelers book.

  • Amazon Customer - I followed the instructions... but...

    I followed the instructions but our little doggie's teeth were just too far gone and she ended up at the pet hospital to have the dodgy teeth removed. She's all well now. Note to other dog owners: Don't neglect your dogs teeth as we did. Ignorance isn't bliss; it cost nearly $1,000 at the vets to have her bad teeth removed. A little preventive action would have saved our dogs daily anguish with the bad teeth/breath, and would have left us with more cash in the bank. (This review posted by Alan's wife, neurotic doggie lover).