Podiatry 2 - West Lawn Podiatrist, West Lawn Podiatry, P.C., is a foot doctor specializing in podiatric procedures and services in the West Lawn, PA area.
Country:, North America, US
City: -118.3151 California, United States
I was septical about the effectiveness of this training video, but after one week of intensive training i'm now a ""master, nunero uno ""
I've only read through the orientation which is required for the first week of class. Let me tell you that as someone who's taking this course as a prerequisite, I am thoroughly disappointed! I've been in IT for almost 20 years and have seen everything there is to see.
I love reading books like this. It makes me remember when I met my husband. I'm happy the baby was Ra's baby & juvie got his s*** together.
I have been taking about 1-2 teaspoons of this for the last few days and can see an improvement in my health already! On the first day it definitely cleansed my system. It provides me with energy and I feel as though it curves my hunger pains. I even rubbed some on my heels (I have plantar fasciitis/heel spurs) and it provided instant relief. This product came recommended to me from a co-worker and I am glad I bought it.