TMS Therapy | TheraMind Services | TMS Centers - TheraMind Services is a leading national provider of TMS therapy. Our state-of-the-art, neuropsychiatric centers offer advanced treatment for depression, Postpartum Depression, anxiety and mood disorders.

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City: -118.3928 California, United States

  • Valerie Tilden - Any little bit helps

    At times I can be a tortured soul. This can involve a bit of self medicated. If you can relate than you know you will take any help alleviating the consequences. This pill is essentially like taking a vitamin. The more water the better. The key is taking pills before not just after. My success rate with this can be hit or miss so if you can come up with a fool proof way to remember in the midst of your indulgence then all the better.

  • The Choosy Moose - Easy Install, Quiet Operation

    Installed this garbage disposal when the old Badger broke. Wanted to replace it with something a little more robust and hoped that this could use the same mounting scheme. Yes, it can!