Homepage - Sleep and Health Journal - Sleep and Health is a unique monthly periodical dedicated to public education about healthy sleep as a foundation for general health.

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  • smash - Incredible shampoo and natural ingredients work wonders!

    This shampoo is by far the best I've ever used on my dogs. I adopted a new family member recently and decided yet again to try another shampoo. Wow! It smells great (very subtle and really put a shine on my older dog's coat and younger adopted dog and the fur on my older dog is softer than ever before with her scratching much less)! And despite the small sized bottle, you really do have to use very little. I will definitely be purchasing this many times over.

  • Oreo - Webroot works great is quick and doesn't slow the PC down during ...

    Webroot works great is quick and doesn't slow the PC down during scans. Amazon has this product for a great price, my dad is 80 and I helped him with his own Amazon account so he could purchase Webroot for his PC.

  • Kyle R. - Worth the money

    I bought this device because I have a lot of chest and abdomen hair. I shave regularly, and I have attempted waxing, but shaving doesn't last very long and waxing hurts like hell. After using the SensEpil ONCE, my chest hair is already noticeably less dense. I will post again in a few weeks for a status update.

  • BobM - Great

    I have been using this product for the last six months and I am hooked. It taste delicious and I have lost 45 pounds using it as a

  • Reginald - Solid Product

    Solid product; basically it was what I needed and expected form Microsoft. If you need a desktop database product this one will suffice.

  • Yvonne McClellan - These were just like the old patches I used for a while

    These were just like the old patches I used for a while; they stopped having them in the stores and came out with a new one (a little larger) but I did not like; did not stick as well as these;glad I found these on Amazon..........they work!!

  • A. Lukas - Works well when used as intended

    I almost didn't try the Quixx Paint Scratch remover after reading some of the negative reviews here. But then I spoke to someone at my local auto detailing place who said it really does work when you follow the instructions. So I gave it a try. Per the included suggestion, I first tried the kit by scratching a non-visible area inside the truck and then repairing it. Worked like a charm. So I then went to work on the real scratch on the car hood. In my case, this was a white patch caused by an abrasive sponge that damaged the clear coat. That is the ideal type of scratch for Quixx, and I was astonished by how perfectly the scratched area looked after only about 5 minutes of work. It is now impossible to see any damage was there. For deeper scratches, you first need to sand the area without substantially damaging the paint. I suspect this is where many of the people who gave the negative reviews went wrong: Either they didn't sand a scratch that needed it or they sanded too deeply and created unrepairable damage. But if you are fairly competent with DIY projects, this kit should present no real problems. I definitely recommend it.