Renaissance - K-12 Learning Analytics - Teachers trust Renaissance learning analytics solutions for K12 assessment, reading and math practice to increase student growth and mastery.
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Matchmaking takes forever to get a game. You play the same people over and over. I don't think anyone plays this on PC.
I am a huge fan of Perricone products, however this moisturizer is horrible. It's my 2nd time using it, I was hoping that perhaps the last jar just had something wrong with it, but nope. It's the same. This moisturizer never absorbs into my skin. If I go to touch my face, etc. the moisturizer will just ball up on my face and flake off. Not a fan at all.
I bought this for my 5 year old granddaughter she put $10.00 in it and I now know why the teenage years were so very bad!!! LOL!!