New Horizons -рйе дешйжерс - ъййшеъ йечшъйъ, ътефд оз' тсчйн, щййи йечшъй, сфа йечшъй,ийемй шлбеъ йечшъййн, омереъ йечшд, ийемй йечшд оаешврйн - дфешим мъййшеъ йечшъйъ бйщшам - обйа ойгт мвемщй дъййшеъ дйечшъйъ, бреща ийемйн оаешврйн, омереъ йечшд бзе"м,едщлшъ гйшеъ йечшд бзе"м, дщлшъ сейиеъ йечшд бзе"м, зефщеъ сфа бзе"м, ътшелеъ бтемн,омереъ йечшд дййаи, дййаи шщъ омереъ йечшд, рефщ бомереъ дййаи, аефп счай рцйвъ збшъ дътефд аййшефмеи, збшъ дътефд аййшефмеи,збшъ дътефд дфемрйъ меи, аефп счай, ътшелеъ бвшорйд, ътшелъ бйр"м, бйъ дсфш мъййшеъ бйщшам, ийемй шлбеъ йечшъййн бсфшг, чеей зефщд, лшом мв'рг, мщлъ дъййшеъ диешчйъ, збшъ дътефд фйраййш, фйраййш, гйсчбш гд еешмг, ийемй йечшд оаешврйн, ийемйн оаешврйн бзе"м,омеп трбм,

Country:, Asia, IL

City: 34.75 , Israel

  • Frederick R. - I purchased this October 10 2014 intending it as a ...

    I purchased this October 10 2014 intending it as a Christmas gift for my daughter. Third week of December she installed it. At least she tried to. It downloaded without difficulty but when she attempted to activate it the problems began. First they needed a password. After the PW was entered they said the account wasn't activated so could not proceed. When attempting to activate they again balked saying she needed a PW. Back and forth it went, a round robin. Finally, in an attempt to access customer service it resulted in repeated requests for an extension, no other menu choices offered. Unable to speak to a real live person she gave up for the time being. Again attempting to contact customer service on Monday the 22nd she finally was placed on hold...for over two hours. Tried again later, again on hold for hours. I now know why so many of the reviews of Kaspersky's customer 'service' are so negative. Place this among them. Customer 'service' indeed! Avoid Kaspersky

  • A Person - The best product in the history of animal and kid cleaners!

    I cannot even express how much i love this product. I have been using it for about 5 years now and i will use nothing else! it has a pleasant smell and is very easy on any fabric or surface. It gets out cat urine from carpet! NUff said, right?!?! blood, wine stains, in silk, on wool carpet.. you name it, it can handle it.. ever had crayon on a silk kids wedding tie, the day of??? oh yeah, gets that off too. no running colors, no damage to you items. nothing.. just left clean w/ pleasant smell.. add a little to your smelly workout clothes laundry... just like new! use it in carpet shampooers ect. Love this especially if you have animals and kids crawling on your floors because its naural, there are no harsh chemicals to poison them. dont drink if obviously! ;) but i really really cant say enough about this product. its' been a true miracle in my life and i'm very surprized more people havent heard of it. most of all its affordable. Every hear of natures miracle. its supposed to have the same idea and clean w/natural enzymes. BUT it cost almost $30 for a bottle and it doesn't even work!!! Kids and Pets please do not change this formula nor your prices and i will stay a customer for life. i love it so much i could sell this stuff!!!!!

  • Scylla - Very easy to install

    Very easy to install. Less than a minute and it was in place. It is like a very thick window shade which rolls out horizontally. It covers whatever is in the bed of your cargo area and keeps it out of sight. Works and installs as advertised.

  • M Derrick Todd - Great Value -- Works Well

    What a great deal. We buy both liquid shock and chlorine tablets for our pool each year. When we open the pool we use the liquid shock and then balance all of the other chemicals. After the initial cleaning, we then use chlorine tablets in the chlorinator to keep a constant low flow of chlorine being added to the water to prevent algae.