Velvet Effect Lasers - Velvet Effect Lasers, Laser Hair Removal, Skin Tightening, Laser Facials, Photorejuvenation, Spider Vein Removal, Acne Light Therapy, Premium Teeth Whitening

Country:, North America, US

City: -122.3933 California, United States

  • Joseph Culbert - Macbook substitute for a third of the price

    I'll warn you: I'm a Mac guy. But when my 5-year-old 13" Macbook finally bit the dust, I couldn't quite afford a new one (they're an expensive habit!), plus I'm not some sort of OS snob, so I went looking for an acceptable Macbook substitute.

  • Kindle Customer - Misleading

    Not a single story by Elizabeth strout. I feel robbed. Zero stars. False advertising. Was looking forward to a good story.

  • D. O. Smith - Poor product with poor customer service.

    The cooktop heats slowly with poor power. You can set a precise temperature for the pan but when verifying with a thermometer, the temp is way off. The material on the top surface feels like a cheap cardboard not glass as you expect and will scratch easily. Finally customer service is bad. The commercial demonstrated a cast iron grill for cooking meat. They sent me a pancake "griddle" and refused to exchange it for what I ordered and expected to get. You well feel bad if you order this stuff.

  • Lyndie - You can import 360° video but you can export 360° video!

    I purchased this software because of the 360 degree editing but quickly found a major problem, you can't export a 360 degree video. I tried every scenario possible and even purchased the MPEG4 codec (yes, they make you pay an additional $5 for it). I searched online for tutorials and found a great article written by Magix about how to edit the 360 videos but the article ended with, "When you video is finished, you can export it in the format of your choice and share it online with others.Ready to start cranking out your own 360 degree videos? Get a free test copy of Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus or Premium now!" There's no explanation of how to export the video so that I can "start cranking out my own 360 degree video". I contacted tech support (which is a joke) and received the following response, "Unfortuantely you can only import 360° videos but you cannot export out a 360° video. It will export as 2D." What? So I can import the 360 degree video, I can edit the 360 degree video but I cannot export the 360 degree video! Why would anyone put all the work into editing a video which you can NEVER export? Either this software is a joke or tech support is a joke.

  • ScoutMomof4 - parents beware

    a lot of the songs on here are very Mature in the ratings....a lot of them have perverted jirating movements associated with their dances, or fondling of ones self during dance....not recommended for under 13...just saying

  • Roger W Hancock - PoetPatriot . com - Great for scouring off those stains from granite counter tops

    Great for scouring off those stains from granite counter tops, sinks, and tubs. It does take some elbow grease but then what doesn't?

  • E. Joy - Time machine feature was a huge plus! Chuck Norris fist was included also! A++!

    I was VERY wary upon buying this knife, as I thought "What can a 26 year old housewife & mother of 3 do with a monster swiss army knife/pocket Navy SEAL?" Well, let me tell you, a whole lot, that's for sure! At first I thought the knives, screw drivers and nail clippers all came in handy, but when I found the time machine feature, boy was I in love! I traveled back in time to inform myself to NOT order the Chili Relleno with Spiced Black Beans before going into labor with our second child (mess/eternal shame avoided!), and to return the library book I had "borrowed" in the second grade (24,000$ late fee, gone - credit restored!)! I even traveled forward in time to check and see if that 200$ face cream I bought actually did anything or not. It didn't, by the way, which prompted another trip back in time to convince myself to not let that lady at the Macy's counter talk me into spending our gas bill money to remove "years of sun exposure & Grand Canyon-like laugh lines". This thing had paid for itself in a matter of minutes! And if my testimony doesn't sell you on this one of a kind tool, then the Chuck Norris fist will! I don't need to go into detail about how this feature works, but let me tell you, I won two MMA matches with this baby strapped to my wrist. I now have a sponsorship with Mt. Dew & American Express, and live in a mansion. I also don't get robbed anymore while at the ATM. Amazing!