Ristorante Dal Burbero - cucina popolare a Bergamo - “Al Burbero” amiamo la schiettezza e la semplicità. Una cucina di mare e di terra, popolare. Sapori genuini si sposano con la qualità delle materie prime.

  • http://www.dalburbero.it/cucina-di-mare-e-di-terra/ Cucina di mare e di terra - Ristorante Dal Burbero - Abbiamo scelto una cucina di mare e di terra, influenzata dalle nostre rispettive origini, campane e marchigiane. Una cucina popolare genuina e di qualità.
  • http://www.dalburbero.it/curiosita/ Curiosità - Ristorante Dal Burbero - Lavorare circondati dai simboli delle proprie passioni è un privilegio di pochi: robot dei manga, Posche e, su tutto, il grandissimo Valentino Rossi.
  • http://www.dalburbero.it/cucina-di-terra-specialita-carne/ Cucina di terra, specialità di carne - Ristorante Dal Burbero - Apprezzati in particolare per la nostra carne alla griglia. Abbiamo ripreso l’antica tradizione del carrello dei bolliti, per noi un fiore all’occhiello.
  • http://www.dalburbero.it/cucina-di-mare-tradizione-campana/ Cucina di mare, tradizione campana - Ristorante Dal Burbero - I nostri piatti si rifanno alla semplicità della tradizione partenopea. Tra i piatti che possiamo proporvi vi ricordiamo: la zuppetta di mare del burbero.
  • http://www.dalburbero.it/prodotti-tipici/ I migliori fornitori per i nostri prodotti - Ristorante Dal Burbero - 60 etichette di vino e diverse ottime birre accompagnano la vasta scelta di prodotti tipici: provole, mozzarella di bufala, pecorini e la norcineria umbra
  • http://www.dalburbero.it/cucina-vegetariana-bergamo/ Cucina vegetariana - Ristorante Dal Burbero - La nostra cucina vegetariana è ricca di colore e di sapore, anche quando parliamo di ortaggi e verdure. Da noi, anche i vegetariani si sentono a casa.
  • http://www.dalburbero.it/contatti/ Contattaci - Ristorante Dal Burbero - Contatti:: Via Crocette, 38 24030 Mozzo (BG) Tel +39 035 4155633 | +39 340 7753275 Email: [email protected]

    Country:, Europe, IT

    City: 12.1097 , Italy

  • Nettie - What is really going on?

    While the actual lessons are very good, the instructions and quizzes are NOT GOOD AT ALL! Sorry, but there are not enough details in the instructions and the quizzes have too many errors and there should be hands on. I've only gone through the first of the three quizzes, and of course there should be questions that require an explanation, however, not every single question! Where are the hands-on? Also, if you don't have Internet or your Internet is slow, DO NOT buy this. I think maybe the other two reviews were written by people who knows Kirt Kershaw, which by the way, good try Kirt. but it would have been a great idea to test this on several people and get their honest opinions before you put this on the market. This has been more frustrating than anything. Oftentimes the lessons and quizzes will not open.Keep trying! I continue to use it (when it acts right) because I spent my money on it. It isn't worth the price. I decided to create my on quizzes from the lessons. Some will require explanations and most will require hands-on!

  • simen ophus - ... had some many mouse over the years is kinda sad, I been a gamer for about 12 years ...

    I have had some many mouse over the years is kinda sad, I been a gamer for about 12 years now startet early and i never really found that mouse that workt well for everything. For many years i had the razer naga since i play alot of mmos, this changed after i found the final mouse. Yes, i have less keys but the responds and handling of this mouse makes i better in almost everything else. I also start to get back into cs, bf, and other shooters so the laser and DPI senors in this mouse is really stept up my game. You can feel each mm you move the mouse and aim where you want it to be really fast and easy. It is also really nice to hold and really light so even if you play for many hours you never really get tired in you hand. I have had this mouse for 5 months now, and are never going back to anything else. is worth the money and worth the support to the founders and creators of this mouse that is why i get full stars from me.

  • Nanners C - Highly recommend. Not your average content about simplifying.

    I now have a new book I'll be recommending to all my friends. I picked this up out of desperation but I guess I was not expecting it would offer anything new or really help. I've read a lot about simplifying my life, but this is a whole new approach. I can't wait to do this with my book group. I have a whole new way to look at the challenges I'm facing each day. Really looking forward to applying what I learned in the chapters about finding energy when you're exhausted and overcoming anxiety.

  • hakuryu12 - Nice on outside, but not quite the inside.

    These shoes are alright, but not the slam dunk I was expecting. The outside is nice and the sewn in tongue is actually not as big of a deal as I thought it would be. The material is very breathable and doesn't look like blatant mesh so you can get away with wearing these without looking like you're out for a power walk.

  • Bev D - #ZanellaNovella 'nuff said

    I would have been on here earlier but ... as soon as I heard about the book, I bought it, read it, went back and re-read Free Fall then re-read this book and then read Breaking the Rules. What can I say, it just whetted my appetite. Lately, books by Suzanne Brockmann make me imagine her juggling these virtual plot-lines; there is so much happening! Firstly you've got Hell Week and the SEALs we know and love are instructors and we meet this new crop of tadpoles who (hopefully) will be front and centre in coming books. We get acquainted with "Grunge" who was mentioned in passing many books ago. We get a glimpse of Danny and Jenn and their new baby issues. Then there's Ben and his happenings with Ryan and Wade and THEN there's Wade's Angel sub-plot. There is even a choice of expanded version of TS Inc daycare or shorter version. Personally, I went with the short version, then read the extra scene then read the expanded version at the correct point on the first re-read.

  • Kim Taylor - Awesome!

    I had wanted one of these 'Wilson' Castaway volleyballs for quite a while and finally ordered one from Amazon. It arrived very fast and was everything I expected. What a wonderful way to remember my favorite Tom Hanks movie! It is perfect! If you loved the movie 'Castaway', you must get this 'Wilson' volleyball! The only thing I didn't understand is why it was shipped via UPS. Everyone knows that 'Wilson' only travels on FedEx! :)