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    Country:, North America, CA

    City: -123.0074 British Columbia, Canada

  • C. Morgan - Great Product

    After chemo I needed a gentle mouthwash, this works and does not burn your mouth. I continue to use it after 7 years.

  • Boomer - My First Real Bike

    I purchased this bike because my 8 year old grandson received a new bike for his birthday and wanted me to have a bike so we could ride when he comes to visit. After a great deal of research, I settled on this bike and have not been disappointed. Because it required a number of tools I do not own, I decided to take it to a Diamondback dealer to have it installed. Cost a bit of money, but .I did not feel I could have successfully assembled it. The bike works great. At age 70, this is my first real bike and I really enjoy it. The seat could be a bit more comfortable, but I saw that on many reviews of other bikes. Overall, I am very pleased and am awaiting warm weather so I can ride it more.

  • [email protected] - The item that was sent to me from this seller was inconsitant of what it shoud have been

    I have used this item in the past. the item that was sent to me has clearly evaporated or has been used. Gel isn't dry and that is what was sent to me. A clear dry gel!. I will never order from this seller again. They refuse to take the product back and responded to my e-mail after I sent a second e-mail YES I HATE IT!

  • Jeffrey T - Essential tool for a variety of fixes.

    I've had many of these little bottles of Gorilla Glue, if I could remember where I put them, I would not need to buy them so often, but they work like a charm. We had a chair that needed a repair, because the wooden frame underneath was cracking, and the arm rest was pushed out of the normal position. I tried to screw it together, but the frame of the chair did not have enough wood material, and I was lacking the 'chair repair' skills that were likely needed for such a job. Enter Gorilla Glue.