Chinese Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Herbal Specialists - ACM Health Center - The ACM Health Center combines chinese acupuncture, chiropractic medicine and herbs to help heal your body without synthetic drugs or invasive surgeries.

  • Chinese Acupuncture Treatment - What to Expect - If you've never had a Chinese acupuncture treatment before, you may be wondering what to expect. Let us put your mind at ease.
  • Acupuncture Injection Therapy - Acupuncture injection therapy involves the injection of small amounts of liquid administered by qualified acupuncturist-MD’s. Like acupuncture, fine needles are inserted into acupuncture points...
  • Acupuncture Doctors at ACM Health Center - Formed in 1979 by a group of highly educated Chinese medical experts and acupuncture doctors from the same family, ACM HEALTH CENTER is one of the most successful Chinese medical...
  • Choosing An Acupuncturist - Why Us - Choosing an acupuncturist is an important decision. There are several unique advantages that you will only find in ACM HEALTH CENTER
  • Chinese Acupuncture Testimonials - Click here to read testimonials from some of our Chinese acupuncture patients.
  • AMC Health Center Bay Area Acupuncture Blog - The Bay Area Acupuncture Blog lets you know whenever any new Web pages or articles appear on this site, and keeps you up-to-date with other news and postings.

    Country:, North America, CA

    City: -73.8167 Quebec, Canada

  • Ronald L. Davis - Fit and feel great..

    Fit and feel great .... Quality seems excellent .... Too early ( still late summer) to give any more input as I purchased these for winter use


    This wasn't clearly specified in the product details or on B.O.B's website which was frustrating. I did some research and turns out the Chicco adapter fits the Graco Click Connect, so we're going to give that a try. The product isn't poorly is really easy to install/ just doesn't fit the Graco Click Connect Snugride 35 models.

  • Keeffer - Convenient and comprehensive

    Your alternative is that you can go online and use Google maps, or Bing Maps or MapQuest. However, this is a rock solid product that you can use to plan long trips, with stops, an itinerary, estimate fuel usage and fuel stops along the way. I think it's the most accurate product for that purpose. You can also perform some light GIS work by importing files and showing them as push pins.

  • Scott P Kohrherr - Great printer at this price point

    Works great for what I use it for; I use it once a month for a club that I run. I suggest VERY STRONGLY reading the first review, as this has some great tips for making this printer work. I don't think you can beat the price, either.