WiDoctor | O Portal do Jovem Médico - Prática Médica É possível diagnosticar febre somente com o toque? Rastreio do câncer de mamaO

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  • http://widoctor.com.br/teste-vocacional-medico/ Teste Vocacional | WiDoctor - A partir de um trabalho feito originalmente nos EUA, que nós adaptamos para o Brasil, foi pesquisada a opinião de médicos de diferentes especialidades, onde
  • http://widoctor.com.br/e-possivel-diagnosticar-febre-somente-com-o-toque/ É possível diagnosticar febre somente com o toque? | WiDoctor - É muito comum na prática clínica descrevermos se o paciente está febril ou afebril ao toque ao exame físico. No entanto, é válido questionar a precisão deste
  • http://widoctor.com.br/rastreio-do-cancer-de-mama/ Rastreio do câncer de mama | WiDoctor - O câncer da mama é o tipo de câncer que mais acomete as mulheres no Brasil, excluindo o câncer de pele não melanoma. Segundo dados do Globocan 2012, da
  • http://widoctor.com.br/4838-2/ Tratamento farmacológico do tabagismo | WiDoctor - O tabagismo é maior causa de morte evitável nos Estados Unidos, sendo responsável por mais de 400.000 óbitos por ano. A maioria dos fumantes começa a fumar
  • http://widoctor.com.br/tudo-sobre-zica/ Tudo Sobre Zica | WiDoctor - INFECÇÃO CONGÊNITA PELO VÍRUS ZIKA Eduardo Tiburcio – M9 2016.2 Problemática: a epidemia de Zika e o “boom” de microcefalia Uma possível relação entre
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  • http://widoctor.com.br/hematologia-no-interior/ Hematologia no Interior | WiDoctor - Pergunta : Filipe Vilela ( Universidade Federal da Bahia ) Penso em seguir a carreira de hematologista, mas tenho dúvidas a respeito do mercado de trabalho:

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  • The Shopper!!! - It doesn't work at all. I sprayed it on ...

    It doesn't work at all. I sprayed it on a flea and it didn't kill it. It did make one of my 4 cats foam at the mouth. I really hoped it would of worked. My cats are indoor cats and some how we brought fleas in hoping I can get rid of them without bombing the house!!

  • Wendy L. Woods - Had to pick at the wick to fluff it up in order to light

    It worked fine on the first two burns. The third time I tried to use it, I couldn't light it at all, no matter how long I held a lighter to it. Even when I soaked the catalyst cap with lighter fluid and lit it on fire, it did not ignite. Then I remembered the very helpful video review, and I picked at the wick material to make it stick out about 2-3 mm, so that it might be closer to touching the inside of the catalyst cap. Then it lit right up. I think the wick had gotten pressed down a little from the squirt bottle tip during filling. I'm using a 5 oz bottle of Ronsonol lighter fluid which has a nice flip-top squirt tip -- much easier to use than the fill bucket.

  • Bernard C. Wilkerson - not as good as I had hoped

    not as good as I had hoped. If you have a piece heavily tarnished, suggest jewelers rouge and lots of work.

  • Jane K. Kidd - Great Beauty Brand

    I can say nothing but positive things about this eye serum! It’s super light and perfectly soaks into the skin. I use the serum before applying the orogold intensive eye formula cream.

  • Aimee K - The price for a double package is excellent. I've used this product before and have used ...

    The price for a double package is excellent. I've used this product before and have used other CLA products in the past. This one is a decent amount of Tonalin CLA. From my own experience, it makes a difference using Tonalin form versus Clarinol form because it contains a higher percentage of active ingredient. This CLA works well, for me, for supporting weight loss and toning. Might not work for everyone, but if you are considering a CLA product, this is a good one to try.

  • Gabriel M. Chavez - Really works!

    I had started to get a Urinary Tract Infection - anyways I was really getting worried and it was getting bad and I ordered this stuff it came fast from Amazon since I used Amazon Prime Overnight 3.99 shipping. I started taking it right away when it got here and in a matter of days I was 100% better! I didn't have to go to the doctor and I'm feeling great. This stuff is a very good value also having pro biotic in it is an added plus!!!!!!

  • David Henderson - This was easy to install

    This was easy to install. The only draw back was the lack of written instructions. It will take you a small bit force to remove the bottom tabs of the previous part, since you can not reach inside to the tabs. (This was a little unexpected and requires you wrap your fingers around the part and pull) The parts pops right off with the rubber gasket (Which you need on the new part first) before replace the new door. This door is a better look all together and well worth it.