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City: -77.539 Virginia, United States
I have a Bengal that is 1 month from being 5 yrs old! After 3 days of wearing this collar he has went from 15 to 9 lbs and has chemical burns and a ring of no fur around his neck. He has been grumpy the last few days and I chalked it up to me bein so busy! No, it was the collar! It is a weekend so I called the poison for animals number on the packaging to find out what I need to do until the Vet opens on Monday or if I should find emergency care immediately! I was informed that this is not an expected reaction and she basically told me it was not the collar that caused it! As if I mistreat my cat!!! I was livid! I said I just needed to know what to do! She said take him to the vet so as not to get secondary infection! I am like, lady this is a chemical burn and I need to know what to do NOw because the packaging says call this number. I am so upset, she had no concern for my cat and implied this has never happened before! I thought I had done my research before putting it on my cat but I typed in Seresto reviews and there were several great reviews no talk of the chemical burn or reactions. It was not until after speaking with this horrid woman that I decided to search "Seresto burns" and that is where I found all the bad reviews! I purchased this from my vet and it came highly recommended! Please do not put this on your kitty! It says safe for 10 week old kittens, however if it did this to my big boy in 3 days then a poor kitten my not survive!
It's all good.... while I may of talked to him on some days, he has yet to talk back to me. (my sanity test for the workplace) He gets a lot of comments at work too, everybody just seems to like him. He has also told me in the past that he likes all the attention he gets too.. Oh wait... forget I said that!
Great collectors item. Was a bit disappointed about the size, but eventually the size came in handy to be able to stick it in your bag and go. All in all good buy, would recommend to a beginning collector.