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  • Don P. - This stuff is Great!

    My tub/shower was the old yellow/gold color they used back in the 70's. I had just replaced my sink and toilet, in the "Bone" color. It was time to do the tub but didn't want to have to rebuild my untire bathroom. Did some research on refinishing and found the Rust-Oleum. I purchased it in the Almond color.I used 2 kits for the tub/shower style I have. Mixed them seperatly, then combined them in one small pail just before starting. The whole process was really quite easy. A little bit time consuming preping the tub, but far better that the time and money one would have into replacing the tub. Also, the 3 day drying time wasn't all that bad. Some kits required 5 days.

  • sarebear - Amazing as always!

    The book is always fantastic to read, something everyone can enjoy and talk about and this year's has to be my favorite. The formatting is better than previous years and easier to read, and I love the infographics on every page. I can sit and flip through this book for hours and it never gets old - a must buy!

  • Jett McFadden - I have very sensitive skin

    A friend recommended this product, we have used a different product from Beverly Hills, and my skin was flawless/ I used this product twice had a reaction of bumps around my cheek line