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City: 14.4112 , Czechia

  • M. Rivero - Great tattoo aftercare

    I have extremely sensitive skin. While healing a fresh tattoo, using any sort of lotion gives me a rash. The only thing I could use up until After Inked was just Aquaphor, which is great until you realize that it's clogging your pores and after about four days your skin is breaking out all over the affected areas.

  • MDCSE78 - Love this version of Just Dance!

    We love this version of Just Dance 2016. They have great songs AND you can control the game with your phone which I think is a great plus with the game. Our problem is our kids lose wiimotes like it’s no one’s business and then they can’t play their games then. So having this option is a HUGE plus! I wish more games had this option. My daughter loves to dance to this especially when her friends are over. They love competing for who is the best dancer. I love it because they are up and moving around instead of sitting and gaming. So if you are looking for a great game to get your kids up and moving this is a great game! Again I love that you can control it with your phone!!!

  • Ashutosh Gogate - Interesting

    Very interesting collection. Some pieces are too long and drag a bit, but a nice reading experience overall. Worth the buy.