NPI Lookup - National NPI Registry Lookup - NPI Number Lookup - Search the NPI Registry by name or NPI number. NPI lookup for doctors and other healthcare providers from the NPI Registry.

  • NPI Lookup - Best Doctors NPI Number Lookup - NPI number lookup for doctors and healthcare providers. Search the NPI registry for any doctor or medical groups NPI number.
  • Find Doctors / Healthcare Providers in the NPI Registry - NPI Lookup - Find a doctor by specialty. Search the NPI registry for doctors and physicians by specialty.
  • Find Hospitals, Labs, Medical Groups & Organizations - NPI Lookup - NPI lookup for organizations and medical groups. Search the NPI Registry from over 4 million healthcare providers.
  • Healthcare Taxonomy Code Lookup - Version 16.1 - Health care taxonomy code lookup. Browse or search the complete taxonomy codes. Updated Janauay 2015
  • ICD 10 Lookup - 2017 ICD 10 Data & Code Reference - 2017 ICD 10 Codes - View the complete 2017 ICD 10 data & code reference. Includes Clinical Modification (CM) and Procedure Coding System (PCS).
  • HCPCS Codes Level II - 2016 Complete Reference - The complete 2016 HCPCS Level II code reference, FREE. Find the procedure code you are looking for from over 6000 HCPCS codes.
  • Medicare Resources - Useful Links & Contacts - For question relating to your Medicare questions &/or claims. Find the right agency or organization in your state.
  • Family Medicine, Doctors & Physicians (National) | Page 1 - NPI Lookup for Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians specializing in Family Medicine; Page 1 of 3455
  • Internal Medicine, Doctors & Physicians (National) | Page 1 - NPI Lookup for Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians specializing in Internal Medicine; Page 1 of 3904
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  • Alexander Gilliam - WARNING!!! WARNING!!! WARNING!!!

    DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES COMBINE WEARING THIS T-SHIRT AND USING ANY AXE BODY AND SHOWER PRODUCTS! My testosterone levels shot up to insanely unhealthy levels, to the point where I must have been flooding my general surroundings with pheromones. I barely made it home alive, and felt the desperate need to share my experience so that no other man will make a similar mistake. I can assure you Robert Pattison or Justin Bieber have never experienced anything like this! I had women jumping out of windows and moving vehicles and then racing (or limping and crawling) in my direction. It was beyond terrifying! Like a trailer from the movie World War Z, but with only women, hundreds, nay thousands of them, with outstretched arms and glazed over eyes, dry humping the very air while chasing me. I'm not sure if I'll ever sleep again, let alone sleep with a woman again! I immediately flushed my axe products down the toilet and burned my Three Wolf Moon T-shirt in the tub as soon as I got home. Yet they are still out there! I can hearing them moaning and mewling in their orgasmic madness, scouring the area in search of me. May God have mercy on me! Damn you Axe and The Mountain! Damn you to hell!

  • Boukrédéra - Don't buy this stuff!!!

    I pass by the orogold shop in high street kensington in London at least twice a week, i have never even accepted their sample once! The sale people are changing all the time because their job is so bad as they have to catch people on the street to sell their product, plus since when cosmetics are sold that way? One even told me: 'madam a cream with gold in it', since when gold does anything for the skin? Gold is for nice jewellery, not for the skin. This is just one of those typical marketing trick. In 4 years i have passing by i only stopped once but regretted it. When the guy understood that i wasn't interested he became aggressive and said stuff that made me feel uneasy (can't remember what). It's obvious that the staff is paid only if they sell something, and that is the reason number one i wouldn't buy anything from this company. So the staff is abused so that they abuse customer with a product that itself is questionable. Don't buy this stuff, the ethics of this company sucks. Their selling methods are unacceptable and straight from middle-age. I don't even want to know what is in their product.

  • James Van Vuren - What Jane Bryant Quinn has to say

    I found WillMaker to be reasonably easy to use, although you have to thoroughly read the provided documention. The documention shows the legal complexity of wills and living wills, which made me question using a software package for them, so I decided to read the opinion of a trusted source. In Making the Most of Your Money Now(pub. Dec., 2009) Jane Bryant Quinn, one of the nation's leading commentators on personal finance, has the following to say about WillMaker. On pg. 105 (regarding wills) she says, "Daredevils might consider Quicken WillMaker Plus by Nolo ... But even with guidance, you're better off not writing your own (will). In simple situations, the cost of a lawyer is surprisingly small and worth every penny." On pg. 137 (regarding living trusts) she says, "If you insist on doing the job, consider the Quicken WillMaker by Nolo ... Helpful as these (software products) are, however, I wouldn't touch them myself. I'd rather have an experienced lawyer do it." A Certified Financial Planner I talked to also strongly recommended a lawyer over do-it-yourself products like WillMaker. Based on these statements, and my own experience using this product, I can't rate WillMaker over one star simply because relying on a software program to take care of a legal issue as important as a will or living will now seems risky to me.

  • J. Shin - A bit of a let down, but ok.

    I bought this with maybe too high hopes. At the very least, I thought it would be a good moisturizer. But alas, doesn't really do anything for my dry skin. I haven't seen any firming action going, but the cream does leave a nice tingly feeling. Might be better for someone who doesn't have dry skin.

  • John B - handy small tool

    great small knife/screwdriver combo, very handy and very low-profile. clip is a little tight to wear on good pants - expect it to fray them after a while. note also that the knife is easy to get out one-handed because of the button on the top of the handle and the button on the blade but it is NOT spring assisted, which is important to know if your jurisdiction bans assisted knives (as does mine)

  • E. Johnson - Waste of Money

    Let me start off first by saying that I have the "Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals", the "Saitek Pro Flight Yoke with Three-Lever Throttle", and the "Saitek X52 Pro Flight System". All of these hardware components are great and I highly recommend them.