KHK Consulting LLC: We focus on Manufacturing - Dedicated to helping client organizations strengthen their productivity, profitability, customer satisfaction and market position by providing management and support solutions through the integration of people, technology and business systems.

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  • J. C. - Amazing!

    Excellent product - saw results within a week of using. Diminished dark spots and made my skin glow. Scent is tolerable and goes away immediately. I have very sensitive skin and did not have a reaction. Definitely worth the cost!

  • CyberChick - Bad move, Acronis

    I am a long time Acronis user and have been using 2010 flawlessly for some time with a whole suite of backups that run nightly and write to a removable disk for disaster recovery. I recently upgraded to 2016. What a mistake. I purposely chose the non-cloud version. Out of the box, it tries to force you to log in using a non-standard port. This doesn't work for machines that are either standalone or behind properly configured firewalls. Further, a local only solution should not require any login anywhere. Per Acronis support, there is no way to remove the login prompt as there is only ONE software package, and the license specifies whether you have cloud or local only capability. So the only option non-cloud users have is to X out of the login prompt every time the application is started. How will this work for automated backups? I don't yet know. The interface is totally redesigned and now completely non-intuitive; it has multiple options that you would *think* would be what you would use but no, these options only work if you have the cloud version. Gone is the very simple and easy to understand table of scheduled backups that you can modify and or select from to run intermediate backups. Gone is the ability to create a backup file name that you can actually read on the screen (now the file name is the same as the backup name and is in a LARGE font in a column that displays only the first 8-10 characters). Gone is the ability to create file names that automatically contain the date. In all, I'm unimpressed and looking for a refund. Acronis was once very good software. Bad move, Acronis.

  • J. Burgess - Unbelievably awful design mars a working product

    This gadget does its job, but suffers from three design flaws that, taken together mean I only use it when I must:

  • Beth Beckham - I feel like to policy should have some leeway

    I ordered this in November as a Christmas present, but my daughter just got around to playing it for the first time and it doesn't work. It won't even attempt to read the disc. Of course, I am out of the return period. So, now I'm stuck with a defective product. I feel like to policy should have some leeway, but I cannot find any options to try and resolve this other than leaving a bad review, which I don't like to do because my one-star has nothing to do with the game itself. Very frustrating!