Green Initiatives - Shanghai-based Environmental Nonprofit Organization Started in 2009, to Promote Education & Action on Environmental Issues.

  • Upcoming Events - Green Initiatives - Just as a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, the path to sustainability begins with conscious awareness.
  • Ongoing Projects - Green Initiatives - For a movement to take root, the people and the community have to know that they have the power to make a difference.
  • News & Blogs - Green Initiatives - Our Updates, Changemakers Stories, Community Blog & Views on Global Issues

    Country:, Asia, JP

    City: 139.7677 Tokyo, Japan

  • David Garth - It helps

    Of course, two short hoses can't "silence" a water pump. But it does lower the sound level somewhat, especially if you have an elbow or elbows attached to the pump inlet or outlet. Installation is super easy, and it allows you to reposition the pump to lower pump noise even more.

  • Evan Johnson - Good value

    I was looking for a single earset so that I can bike, drive, and work while being aware of my surroundings. This was inexpensive, sounds fine, can handle a phone call, and the battery lasts around 2.5 hours.

  • J. Geiser - but it's nothing like in the picture

    This game serves its purpose, but it's nothing like in the picture. The moving piece is cheap and battery operated - definitely does not give the authentic satanic demon-summoning experience I thought I was paying for. However, the board looks sturdy and glow-in-the-dark, so that's a plus. Definitely can not have the lights on when I'm calling to the spirits of the dead :)

  • Book Reviewer - I had a friend who recommended Zija to me when I was unemployed and ill

    I had a friend who recommended Zija to me when I was unemployed and ill, without insurance. She was a distributor for them. She sounded like she had been drinking cult Kool Aid when she talked about it. Imagine my surprise when was suggested I pay almost $100/mo for their version of a multivitamin. Well, I was desperate so I gave it a go.