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  • Sharon Huston - Good start, sad finish.

    The free sample motivated me to buy the book, but when the story ended I felt like I had wasted my money. The premise -- a linguist on a shuttle, prepared to work with alien languages -- was intriguing. Sadly, the alien was telepathic, so language never really played a role in the book. The tension of the opening chapters slowly dwindled into a sad little mess. It thudded from predictable plot point to predictable plot point, and midway through the book I wondered why I was still reading. It turned into a "car wreck" book, where I couldn't turn away from the disaster until the last page freed me. As others have noted, there were several factual errors, and problems with language, which is painful given the protagonist's profession. The main character's Mary Sue index climbed with every page. I do think Ms. Wells has good books in her, but she needs to work on her plots. Give us some surprises! And maybe consider a different subgenre. Convincing science fiction requires more research and more scientific expertise. Ms. Wells might be more bearable in paranormal romance, where the rules are bendy to begin with.

  • P. Cooke - Works Great - but read the fine print!

    MagicJack product arrived very timely, faster than I was expecting. Instructions were sparse, as was packaging, so I was a little worried. The piece parts were all there and instructions were fine. However, I hit a glitch and used the chat option to resolve. This worked great, didn't take long and I was up and running. I transferred my current number, which takes a few days. You still can make outgoing calls.

  • Mark Hammond - Awesome!

    So I bought some of this stuff, and my pet tarantula got a hold of it.... Little bastard bit me, and ever since I've become less interested in photography and more interested in shooting webs from my wrists and swinging around New York City. I also have some kind of weird sixth sense that's been driving me nuts ever since.

  • Jack - Cannot work on windows 10.

    Cannot work on windows 10. Downloaded it after searching for windows 10 antivirus but can't e loaded At least it didn't cost me. Just went to Avast website and downloaded their free av and it works fine on windows 10. Amazon needs to get updated copy. Keep trying they will be getting it soon.

  • sharon white - Publisher 10

    Am enjoying learning to use this program. Essential for doing the bulletins and monthly newsletter for the church. Especially enjoy the split page option for doing inserts for the bulletin.