Erori Medicale si Malpraxis in Sistemul Sanitar din Romania - Erori medicale si cazuri de malpraxis semnalate de oameni care au avut nenorocul de a intalni medici incompetenti in sistemul sanitar defectuos din Romania

  • Despre Noi | Erori Medicale - Site-ul poate face o catusi de putin dreptate pentru nefericitii pacienti care au trecut prin mana medicilor incompetenti din Romania
  • Contactati-ne | Erori Medicale - Contactati echipa daca doriti informatii, detalii sau orice cu care va putem ajuta. Va vom raspunde intr-un timp cat mai scurt posibil (max
  • Adauga Povestea ta | Erori Medicale - Spune intamplarea nefericita prin care ai trecut dupa vizita la un medic din Romania. Poti sa ne dai toate detaliile necesare iar povestea ta va fi auzita
  • Cum sa procedezi | Erori Medicale - Acestia sunt pasii simpli pe care trebuie sa-i parcurgi pentru a ne trimite povestea ta care te-a facut sa suferi dupa vizita la un medic incompetent
  • Malpraxis in Dermatologie | Erori Medicale - V-ati dus la medic cu o acnee usoara si s-a transformat intr-o adevarata acnee grava? V-ati tratat pentru o usoara dermatita dar situatia dumneavoastra s-a
  • Malpraxis in Gastroenterologie | Erori Medicale - Spuneti-va intamplarea oribila prin care ati trecut voi cei care ati ajuns cu ulcer la doctor dar doctorul va tratat de gastrita, sau orice altceva de genul
  • Malpraxis in Stomatologie | Erori Medicale - Aici puteti gasi toate povestirile pacientilor care au trecut prin momente groaznice dupa ce s-au confruntat cu cazuri de malpraxis in domeniul stomatologic
  • Incompetenta Medicilor din Romania | Erori Medicale - Ati intalnit doctori buni de nimic in viata dumneavoastra? Acestia au inrautatit sanatatea dumneavoastra prin anumite tratamente, indolente, incompetenta, rea
  • Eroare Medicala la Hiperdia Cluj | Erori Medicale - Eroare medicala grava la centrul medical Hiperdia din Cluj Napoca. Un pacient se duce la un RMN in urma caruia este depistat un chist de dimensiuni normale, dar
  • AVC Prost Tratat la Spitalul Obregia | Erori Medicale - AVC (Atac Vascular Cerebral) prost tratat la spitalul din Bucuresti -Obregia. Medicul de garda a zis ca are - lipotimie ( adica o stare simpla de lesin de la
  • Doamna Doctor Silvia Nica si Spitalul Municipal Bucureşti (Preluare Facebook) | Erori Medicale - Ea este doamna doctor Silvia Nica, de la Spitalul Municipal Bucureşti. Ea a năvălit astăzi peste prietenul meu, care zăcea de două ore la Urgenţe fără să-l bage

    Country:, Europe, RO

    City: 25 , Romania

  • Jill Simmons - Good set of vacuum space saver bags!

    I received these at a discount in exchange for an honest opinion. I have used many brands of this type of bag over the years, and it was time to replace some that don't hold the seal any more. This is a great assortment of sizes and the bags are quite heavy weight compared to others I have used. They have a double zipper to seal and the kit comes with a pump that seems well made. One of the problems I have had with bags like this before is that, once you suction out the air, the lid snaps on but sometimes it doesn't seat well and you lose your seal. This lid is great because it snaps then screws on, making it extra secure. In the past I have used a vacuum hose to draw out air, but having the pump is nice because I don't have to haul out extra equipment now.

  • vinit - stay away from navien

    I purchased a Navien CR 240 a couple of years ago, and there have been numerous breakdowns of one sort or another since then, The company website says these problems are mostly due to incorrect installation, but that excuse does not fly. Essentially they are making products that are so complicated and full of holes that not only local repairmen cannot figure them out, but even Navien's own tech support is stumped. Since when did it become necessary to have a gadget that reads out more than 40 error codes just to heat up water? And since when did hot water heaters require such expensive maintenance every year, not to mention the hundreds I've spent on repairs that do not really repair? Right now I'm dealing with a nightmarish issue where we are far from home and are renting out our house. The Navien keeps breaking down. I believe I'm going to just swallow my pride and financial loss and replace the Navien with a regular old tank heater. I won't even bother with trying to get money back through warranties: as you can see from other reviews, that would be uncertain and extremely stressful. Yes, Naviens are a BIG mistake. I suggest the company go out of business, but before they do, they should correct an error in the description of their products: They are THANKLESS hot water heaters, and not tankless.