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  • Barry Fox - Outstanding guide that alerts parents to often overlooked opportunities to substantially lower their college costs this year

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  • Picky Guy - Job Well Done by Dinesh D'Souza

    Mr. Dinesh D'Souza exposes what has already become universal knowledge. The people who voted against Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 knew he was a Socialist then. But you take those same people, plus many more since 2008, and people have discovered that Barack Hussein Obama is much more than a Socialist; Barack Hussein Obama is a Marxist. The movie is on par with former DOJ civil rights attorney, J. Christian Adams, and his book entitled, Injustice, with regards to the many questionable acts associated with Barack Hussein Obama. While viewing 2016, or even reading print exposing Barack Hussein Obama for what he really is, I stop and think how blessed we really are to have one of the many rights that grants us access to the very truths that help protect us as a nation. The 1st Amendment. 'Thank God the Fairness Doctrine was not enacted"

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