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  • James Henderson - Better Than Most!

    I have been looking for an antivirus program that will protect my computer without crippling it. Most of the AV programs either don't protect very well or do too much and use so many resources that the computer can't work efficiently. Kaspersky protects and allows my computer to work at top speeds. So I went back and purchased enough copies for all of our computers in the office. We tried AVG and all the rest but we got tired of the constant ads popping up every 5 minutes. Even the paid versions of AVG were a pain with all the reminders to upgrade to the next version - what a pain. Kaspersky is now our choice and as long as they continue to make it protect and not hinder we will continue to purchase subscriptions. Good product - buy it!

  • Speech Creature - Bona WRECKED My New Dark Wood Floor. STEER CLEAR OF BONA!!!

    Would give this a zero stars if I could. My brand new dark satin finish maple engineered floors look HORRIBLE after using Bona for about a month and a half. . It now has a sticky milky white residue. You can see it in the sunlight and makes the floor look splotchy, streaked, waxy, and dirty. I had company over this weekend, and all asked what was wrong with my floor. I strongly suspect many of the positive reviews are company planted. I challenge a Bona rep to reply to this and help me get this stuff off my floor. I'm so sad. I spent thousands of dollars on this new floor only to wreck it with Bona. Those of you who report the same issue, did you find a solution? I've read Windex works. Any luck using it, and if so, specifics, please.