Breast Implant Information - Your guide to breast implants & breast health from a voice you can trust. We provide the most accurate information available, so you make informed choices.

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  • LoveToReview - Great Set!

    I have recently been doing a lot of cleaning out and trying to store a lot of things at my house. It is truly amazing at how many bulky items I had, that I did not want to get rid of, but did not have the storage area available to keep it safe. I have seen and even used a few different brands of storage bags. Most you are required to use a vacuum to pull the air from the bag before sealing it. One of the first things that caught my eye with this storage pack was the fact that it comes with a hand pump to use. Yes, it is more manual work, but not near the effort of having to get your vacuum out and hooked up correctly.

  • Danielle Jones - Must Have

    If you're in medical school you know First Aid is a must have for Step 1. I'm coming up quickly on my Step 1 date and this is a wonderful resource. Do not attempt Step 1 without it!

  • Jordan Finnigan - What does nothing smell like?

    This shampoo was ordered for our daughter who has very sensitive skin (rubbing her cheek on the carpet will give her a rash). This shampoo works to keep her clean without irritating her skin. It's worth noting that the fragrant version of this product was used previously with no issues; We just wanted to try this one.

  • Caz H. - Awesome, 75% less than their website price!

    Got the card a day earlier than anticipated and the code on it worked fine, the instructions were super easy and now I have another year of protection for my PC - it even let me simply extend the date ofwhat I had which expires in march 2014 - so I am covered to March 2015.